East Whittier
Population: 10,394 Hispanic Culture- 5,934 (57.09% of population) Non-Hispanic Cultures- 4,460 (42.91% of population)
Whites: 4,435 (42.67% of population) Hispanic Whites- 1,321 (12.71% of population) (29.79% of Whites) Non-Hispanic Whites-3,114 (29.96% of population) (70.21% of Whites)
Blacks: 204 (1.96%) Afro Latinos- 23 (0.22% of population) (11.27% of Blacks) Non-Hispanic Blacks- 181 (1.74% of population) (88.73% of Blacks)
Asians: 760 (7.31% of population) Filipinos and other Hispanic Asians- 34 (0.33% of population) (4.47% of Asians) Non-Hispanic Asians 726 (6.99% of population) ( 95.53% of Asians)
Indigenous North Americans: 197 (1.9% of population) Indigenous to the US-42 (0.4% of population) (21.32% of Indigenous North Americans) Mesoamerican Immigrants to US- 155 (1.49% of population) (78.68% of Indigenous North Americans in East Whittier)
Pacific Islanders: 36 (0.35% of population) Non-Hispanic Pacific Islanders- 32 (0.31% of population) (88.89% of Pacific Islanders) Spanish West Indies Descent- 4 (0.04% of population) (11.11% of Pacific Islanders)
Other: 2,441 (23.49% of population) Central and South American Immigrants- 2,372 (22.82% of population) (97.17% of "Other") European, Middle Eastern, and North African Immigrants-69 (0.66% of population) (2.83% of "Other")
Mulattos: 38 (0.37% of population) Hispanic Mulattos-8 (0.08% of population) (21.05% of Mulattos) Anglo Mulattos- 30 (0.29% of population) (78.95% of Mulattos)
Mixed White and Indigenous: 113 (1.09% of population) Mestizos- 65 (0.63% of population) (57.52% of Mixed White/Indigenous) Metis/Mixed Blood- 48 (0.46% of population) (42.48% of Mixed White/Indigenous)
Ethnic American Minimum: 89 (0.86% of population) Ethnic American Maximum: 490 (4.71% of population)
Deeply Native To US- 609 (5.86% of population)
Immigrants to US- 9,785 (94.14% of population)
Hispanic Share of Immigrant Population: 44.36% Hispanic Share of Native Population: 19.54%