A recent Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey has revealed a notable increase in the importance of religious faith among American adults. The survey, conducted between April 9th and 11th, 2023, discovered that 75% of respondents consider religious faith to be an essential aspect of their daily lives, up from 71% in 2018. Out of these, 49% said that faith is "Very Important" to their lives.
The respondents did not specify their adherence to any particular religion, only stating the significance of religion in their lives. In contrast, a smaller 20% of those surveyed believe that religion is not important and has no place in America.
The poll results, which have a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points and a 95% confidence level, highlight a growing trend in the perceived importance of religious faith in the United States. This increase could potentially have implications for various aspects of American society, such as political, cultural, and social dynamics.