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Rebecca Canales

Due to the current economic crises and the moratorium on evictions for people who can't pay their rents, Whittier 360 opposes Measure AA because it would cause irreparable harm to the local economy.

The measure, being pushed by the Whittier Union High School District in a special election, would increase Whittier property owners taxes by a total of nearly $15 million a year or an additional 3 cents per $100 of property value.

The problem is that with so many people not paying rent, many property owners don't have the money to pay the new tax. In a normal year we would be endorsing this measure because of what it seeks to acquire the funding for. But this is not a normal year and most property owners are currently struggling to make ends meet, just like everyone else.

We believe the district should bring back this proposal after the crises has ended but now is not the time to increase taxes on Whittier property owners who have to pass those taxes onto to the people who rent from them. How many families do you know who can currently afford an increase in their rent or higher taxes?

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