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Rebecca Canales

Article 1

Section 1: "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."

The legislature alone has power to make laws. No such power is provided to the President. This is important to note because so many immigrants think the US President has the same kinds of powers as the leaders of their own countries who can dictate new laws and suspend the courts and legislatures. But in the US we do things very very differently than the rest of the world does things. In the US the President doesn't have the power to do any of those things.

To protect the nation from a one party dictatorship which can be worse than even a one man dictatorship, the ancestors of today's Ethnic Americans divided the legislative powers of the federal government. That is the purpose of having both a Senate and House. The intent in doing this was to make it clear that even the legislative powers of the US Congress are limited, not absolute as some immigrants who don't have clue what they are talking about have been insisting and misinforming people about.

One way to limit the power of the federal legislature was to require that both chambers approve a law in order for that law to become enforceable. For example the findings of the House Select Committee on the January 6 attack are meaningless because it doesn't have US Senate support. This means that no laws coming from it that are passed in the House are enforceable unless the Senate approves those laws.

It should be noted that the attack on January 6th was an attack on the US Constitution, not an attack on the Democratic Party nor was it an attack on nonWhites. When Democrats say that was an attack on them or an attack on Democracy they are flat out lying and deliberately distracting from the fact it was primarily an effort to overthrow the US Constitution.

The other method of limiting the powers of the Congress was to require House elections every two years so that members would be too busy running for office and not have enough time to pass laws that violate the US Constitution as HR1 the falsely titled "For The People Act" actually does.

What most don't know is that the states have the power to recall their House members if they are not happy with what those representatives are doing. This is an implied power of the states that they would to have exercise through their voters. Yes, even Linda Sanchez can be recalled but only for the most serious of reasons. So can US Senators also be recalled by their states.

The Senate exists to temper the rashness of the House where members might pass laws only because they think it will get them reelected.

Section 2: The House of Representatives "The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature."

Having to run for election every two years is designed to prevent House members from acquiring too much power for themselves or their party.

Pay attention to the last part there: "the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature." This makes it clear that the states are the ones who decide how elections in their territories are run, not the US Congress. The clause clearly states that the qualifications for voting for House members must be the same as the qualifications for voting for a member of the state's legislature. This is where HR1 was and is unconstitutional because it violates this clause.

Unlike the state legislatures, Congress does not have plenary powers. Congress only has power over those items specifically granted by the Constitution.

"No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen."

You don't have to be Ethnically American to serve in the House of Representatives. You must be 25 and you must have been a US citizen for at least 7 years and while you don't have to live in the district you are running for, you do have to live in the state you are seeking to represent. The states have the power to impose residency requirements of their own. They can't impose term limits unless an amendment is passed allowing states to limit the terms of their representatives. The American Nationalist Movement is supportive of an amendment to allow states to impose their own term limits on members of Congress. Because this would reign in Congress power to violate the sovereignty of the states and its ability to violate the rights of the people. Nor does Congress have much power to delegate its powers to the President or other government agencies that don't work directly for Congress.

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three."

Representation in the House of Representatives are apportioned according not just according to population but according to the number of persons who are not held in bondage or incarcerated at the time of the census. People who locked up in prison are not to be counted for apportionment purpose. But all free persons, citizens and non citizens must be counted. It excluded Indigenous Americans who had not assimilated into American society. It also counted all others as 3/5ths of a person. That would be those who are not free. The 3/5th compromise was included because the issue of slavery almost torpedoed both the US Constitution and the establishment of the United States as a unified nation of sovereign states. The slaves states were opposed to treating Blacks as human beings. The main reason was because the Southern wealthy elite at the time cared more about wealth than about human beings and this how the elite still are today. The founders who were the ancestors of modern Ethnic Americans struggled with the issue but were unable to come to a solid resolution. There could be no USA without the South and without the slave states there would not have been the necessary 9 states that were necessary for the Constitution to go into effect. So the 3/5th compromise was agreed to with the understanding that later generations would resolve the issue of slavery and race relations which the founding generation was powerless to solve themselves. It was the grandchildren of the founders who ended up fighting the civil war.

The rest of the clause details how many representatives that each state would get temporarily if it ratified the Constitution and they would keep this number until after the first census.

"When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies." When a Congressman dies or resigns from office, the US Constitution requires the vacancy for the remainder of the term be filled by appointment by the governor of the state the Representative is representing in the Congress. The US Constitution does not allow for special popular elections to fill the remainder of a term, unless the Governor specifically says that is how he wants to fill the seat. The Constitution, is very clear that only the governor of the state fills vacancies in the state's House delegation caused by deaths or resignations. Laws such as those in California that require elections may actually be unconstitutional unless they are supported by the state's governors.

"The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers;and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

Implied in this clause is the power to make rules for how members should conduct themselves while on official business. The House has no power to punish members for things they say or things they post on social media. That means that actions taken by the Democrats against members such as Greene, are actually unconstitutional because she didn't do those things while a Representative.

The latter part is very much misunderstood by immigrants and children of immigrants. Impeachment means "accuse" or "file charges". It also means "Prosecute". Contrary to what you might think or were told impeachment does not mean "convicted" nor does it mean "Guilty". When the House impeached Trump, all they were doing was accusing him of a political crime and prosecuting him for a political crime. Impeachment is nothing more than that. In the case of Trump, in the last impeachment, they accused and prosecuted him for something he actually didn't do. The real reason they went after him was because he was a powerful opponent to their anti American agenda. Even the pro Democrat pundits on the news admitted that things the Democrats were prosecuting the President for were not crimes but were impediments to the Democrat's agenda to weaken and undermine America. But the Constitution gives the House the power to do so as a means of limiting the power of the president and the judicial branch. In 2021, it was very clear the impeachment was very much politically motivated with no concern for constitutional considerations.

Also it is important to bear in mind that contrary to the false claims of certain branches of the BLM movement and other social justices groups, at the time the Constitution was ratified, most Whites were fact banned from voting. Only the ultra wealthy property owners who happened to be protestants were allowed to vote. The expansion of the vote to all White men is what provided the hope that voting rights would in the future be expanded to women and people of color.

Native Americans were excluded because they were considered citizens of foreign countries with each tribe being considered its own country. However, at the same time, our ancestors had always intended the nation's Indigenous peoples would become part of the US as an inevitability. To that extent, they had intended for the tribes to have their own representation in Congress. Efforts toward this end, however, were foiled by the arrival of large numbers of immigrants who began campaigns of ethnic cleansings against indigenous peoples that the US government was powerless to stop and when the immigrants of the late 19th century gained control of government, they began using government resources in support of their genocidal schemes.

The reason that popular enfranchisement was rejected was because the lower classes would have rejected the Constitution. But even then more people were allowed to vote in the US than were allowed in the UK or anywhere else at the time.

The fact that the people of the state choose the representatives implies that districts must be equal in population without any regard for any other factors. While state districts are allowed to deviate from this by 10%, House districts that deviate by more than a tenth of 1% have been thrown by the courts for being Unconstitutional. The Constitution allows for no margin of error in drawing districts. That is why only total numbers matter and take precedence over things like race and ethnicity, party registration and economic class. You are also required to disregard citizenship status because if you don't, it would be harder to get districts of exactly equal size. It requires a constitutional amendment to change districting to include only US citizens. This is important because of the Ethnic American principle that each community be allowed to represent itself in the person actually from or rather native to the community.

This section also give the House the power to propose taxes as long as they are direct taxes on people.

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