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Rebecca Canales

The Correct Way To Read the Preamble To The US Constitution:

"We the People of the United States (that is the people living in what were then 13 independent states), in Order to form a more perfect (meaning a more confident) Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility (peace between the states because a couple of the states had actually gone to war with each other, it also means peace which means the Constitution was intended to stop wars between the states) , provide for the common defense (the US was intended to be a stronger alliance of states than the Confederation was), promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity (that is their biological descendents), do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

How do I know that the term "We the People" refers only to the people living at that time in the original 13 states?

Because in nearly all the drafts before the final one, the phrase used was "We the People of the States of..." followed a listing of those first 13 states.

In fact, 2 of those states did not ratify the US Constitution until after George Washington was sworn in as the first President. And they did so only to support his presidency.

The phrasing was changed to "We the People of the United States" because they weren't sure if all the states listed would ratify it in time and as noted, two indeed did not ratify it in time for the first Presidential election. This means that contrary to what immigrants and their children believe, the states were originally independent countries before the Constitution was ratified and even then, two of them, North Carolina and Rhode Island, remained Independent states for months after the US Constitution was ratified.

While the preamble says who, why, and for whom the Constitution was written, it neither grants nor denies any powers to the government nor any rights to the people.

The term "general welfare" means interstate transportation systems to provide for interstate commerce. It also means supporting American agriculture and industry, protecting interstate public health, and regulating things that cross state borders such as climate change issues. It does not mean "to provide unemployment or welfare checks", except to the extent that those impact interstate commerce.

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