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Rebecca Canales


Demographics 2020

Total population: 87,306

Hispanic Population: 70.8% NonHispanic Population:29.21%

Whites: 30,732 (35.2% of City of Whittier Population)

Hispanic Whites: 12,714 (14.56% of City population) (41.37% of all Whites in City of Whittier)

Non-Hispanic Whites: 18,018 (20.64% of city population) (58.63% of all Whites in City of Whittier)

Black: 1,231 (1.41% of City of Whittier population)

Afro-Latino 217 (0.25% of City population)

Non-Hispanic Blacks 1,014 (1.16% of City population)

North American Indigenous: 1,908 (2.19% of City of Whittier population)

Indigenous to the US: 248 (0.28% of City of Whittier residents) (13% of Indigenous North Americans in City of Whittier)

Mesoamericans Immigrants to US: 1,660 (1.9% of City of Whittier population) (87% of all Indigenous North Americans in City of Whittier)

Asians: 4,339 (4.97% of City of Whittier population)

Filipinos and Other Hispanic Asians: 372 (0.43% of City of Whittier population) (8.57% of Asians in City of Whittier)

Non-Hispanic Asians 3,967 (4.54% of City of Whittier Population) (91.43% of Asians in City of Whittier)

Pacific Islanders including Hawaiians: 190 (0.22% of City of Whittier Population)

Non-Hispanic Pacific Islanders: 122 (0.19% of City of Whittier population) (64.21% of all Pacific Islanders in City of Whittier)

Spanish West Indies Descent: 68 (0.078% of City of Whittier population) (35.79% of all Pacific Islanders in City of Whittier)

Other Race: 27,371 (31.35% of City of Whittier Population)

Central and South American Immigrants, including Southern Mexicans: 26,931 (30.85% of City of Whittier Population) (98.39% of all “Other Race” in City of Whittier)

European and Middle Eastern/North African Immigrants: 440 (0.5% of City of Whittier Population) (1.61% of all “Other Race” in City of Whittier)

Mulattos: 226

Hispanic Mulattos: 69

Anglo Mulattos: 157

Mestizos: 486 (Might be more but who are not visible because they marked “Other Race” on the census which actually makes people invisible and makes it impossible to ensure they are properly represented at the political level.

Ethnic Americans: Minimum-559 Maximum –2,851 Whittier 360 Estimates (White Ethnic Americans-1,081 or 6% of City's Whites) (Black Ethnic Americans-963 or 95% of City's Blacks) (248 Indigenous or 100% of all peoples Indigenous to the US residing in the City).

Californios- 1,236. (Hispanics who have been living in California since at least the 1770s).

US Census 2019 American Communities Survey Reported 3,205 Ethnic Americans in City of Whittier.

Total Immigrants: 83,219 Total Natives: 4,087

Hispanic Share of Immigrant Population: 72.79% Hispanic Share of Native Population: 30.24%

We have no data on where in the City any of these residents live nor in what current districts they are located in.

What the Data does prove is that if you are White, you are actually much less likely to be Ethnically American, contrary to certain misinformation going around.

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