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Rebecca Canales

At this time Whittier 360 is projecting that Joe Biden will have 306 or just 56% of the electoral college which is of the 366 electoral votes or 67% that is needed for an electoral college mandate. Trump is projected to get 241 or 44% of the electoral votes.

We are unable to prognosticate the popular vote but current Biden has 75,798,057 votes while Trump received 71,395,220 votes out of the 147,193,277 ballots that have been counted so far. This means that Biden has 51.5% of the popular vote and Trump has 48.5% and not the 35% that the communist foreign owned mainstream media have been claiming, of the popular vote. You need at least 2/3rds or 67% of the popular vote to have a popular vote mandate which means you need at least 98,619,496 votes at the current total. Both candidates fall very short of it though Biden is closer to reaching it than Trump is.

Both candidates are tied when it comes to the number of states that for them.

The political parties therefore remain stalemated as the Democratic Party is now in serious jeopardy of losing control of the House of Representatives in 2022 and Trump is likely to play a strong role in that. People are referring to the Democrat's pending 2022 defeat as "Trump's Revenge."

In terms of current real politic the break down of is that the Democrats will have total control of the executive branch hand partial control of the House. The Republicans will retain almost total control of the national judiciary, the US Senate and will have significant power in the House despite still being the minority party in that chamber.

In the meantime Republicans have the governorship is in 27 states versus the Democrats 22. Republicans control 29 of the state senates and Democrats have just 21. Legislatively Republicans have total control over 31 states while Democrats have control over 18. 1 state has split power between the Democrats and Republicans. This means that US Census reapportionment will be controlled mostly by Republicans this year.

This year the Republicans retain the advantage both on the Supreme Court and in terms of redistricting in most of the country. These are huge wins for them despite losing the White House because the President has no control over either reapportionment or redistricting. Any efforts by Biden and House democrats to expand the court will certainly be blocked by the US Senate as will any effort to impose a national mask mandate enforced by federal law enforcement agencies and federal fines. Changes on the climate front are likely to more modest than Democrats are currently hoping for.

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